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Zousan (teaching pentatonic scale)

And why do you need a pentatonic scale lesson?

Because pentatonic scales are VERY useful in learning music theory, writing or arranging music, and ESPECIALLY improvising. The word "pentatonic" comes from the Greek "pente" meaning 5 and the Latin "tonicus" meaning tone. So a pentatonic scale is a scale with only 5 tones.

Since pentatonic scale has mostly developed in Asia, I taught my students a song in Japanese. Zousan (A Little Elephant) is based on pentatonic scale.

The Elephant's Song

ぞうさん、ぞうさん zou-san, zou-san Mr. Elephant, Mr. Elephant

おはな が ながい の ね ohana ga nagai no ne Your nose is long, you know

そう よ、かあさん も sou yo, kaasan mo That's right, my mama('s) also

ながい の よ nagai no yo is long.

Trying to combine music and literacy, and even art, I challenged my students to copy the Japanese symbols. They enjoyed the activity greatly and put their heart and soul in it.

Zousan is a great musical exposure that teaches not only pentatonic scale, but also another language. Children ages 3 to 10 habitually comprehend foreign language with ease.

My older students ages 10 to 13 were challenged even more. I used a xylophone and removed notes leaving only C D E G A. Then I asked everyone to improvise and compose a new tune based on pentatonic scale.

The students loved the activity and developed great tunes subsequently adding lyrics as well.

Here is a video for teaching pentatonic scale. It was a great inspiration for me.

Happy Singing

Twinkletoes Music

Dorota Xeller

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